Sellers: Make Today’s Home Price Appreciation Work for You

Sellers: Make Today’s Home Price Appreciation Work for You

Home prices continue to rise as we move through the summer, and that’s good news for sellers who are looking...
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With Rents on the Rise – Is Now the Time To Buy?

With Rents on the Rise – Is Now the Time To Buy?

According to recent data from, median rental prices have reached their highest point ever recorded in many areas across...
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Key Questions To Ask Yourself Before Buying a Home

Key Questions To Ask Yourself Before Buying a Home

Sometimes it can feel like everyone has advice when it comes to buying a home. While your friends and loved...
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Waiting To Buy a Home Could Cost You [INFOGRAPHIC]

Waiting To Buy a Home Could Cost You [INFOGRAPHIC]

Some Highlights If you’re thinking of buying a home but wondering if waiting a few years will save you in...
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Home Sellers: There Is an Extra Way To Welcome Home Our Veterans

Home Sellers: There Is an Extra Way To Welcome Home Our Veterans

Some veterans are finding it difficult to obtain a home in today’s market. According to the National Association of Realtors...
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4 Reasons Why the End of Forbearance Will Not Lead to a Wave of Foreclosures

4 Reasons Why the End of Forbearance Will Not Lead to a Wave of Foreclosures

With forbearance plans about to come to an end, many are concerned the housing market will experience a wave of...
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A Look at Housing Supply and What It Means for Sellers

A Look at Housing Supply and What It Means for Sellers

One of the hottest topics of conversation in today’s real estate market is the shortage of available homes. Simply put,...
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3 Hot Topics in the Housing Market Right Now

3 Hot Topics in the Housing Market Right Now

If you’re a prospective buyer or seller, it’s important to understand the current real estate market conditions and how they...
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Pop Quiz: Can You Define These Key Terms in Today’s Housing Market? [INFOGRAPHIC]

Pop Quiz: Can You Define These Key Terms in Today’s Housing Market? [INFOGRAPHIC]

Some Highlights The language of buying and selling a home may sound scary at first, but knowing how key terms...
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Today’s Real Estate Market Explained Through 4 Key Trends

Today’s Real Estate Market Explained Through 4 Key Trends

As we move into the second half of the year, one thing is clear: the current real estate market is...
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Remote Work Has Changed Our Home Needs. Is It Time for Your Home To Change, Too?

Remote Work Has Changed Our Home Needs. Is It Time for Your Home To Change, Too?

Over the past year, many homeowners realized what they need in a home is changing, especially with the rise in...
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Do Property Tax Valuations Have You Feeling Anxious?

Do Property Tax Valuations Have You Feeling Anxious?

Every two years, during the first week of May, assessors across the state mail out updated property valuations to homeowners....
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6 Mistakes to Avoid When Selling Your Home
Selling Your Home

6 Mistakes to Avoid When Selling Your Home

So you've decided now is the right time to upsize, downsize or relocate and you need to sell your home. ...
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December 2020 Housing Market Update

December 2020 Housing Market Update

Typically we see a big slow down in Real Estate listings and transactions as we shift into the holiday season. ...
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November 2020 Market Update

November 2020 Market Update

This months market update is one you won't want to miss! We are sharing the most staggering numbers since beginning...
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Denver, Colorado Top Buyers Agents |||| Zac and Kathy Nelson ||| The Nelson Team Realtors

The motivation to purchase a new home is different for everyone.  For some it is deeply personal, for some it...
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Should You Sell Your Home To Opendoor?

Should You Sell Your Home To Opendoor?

  iBuyer?  Opendoor?  You've likely heard of both of these by now but do you know what they are?  In...
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6 Unique and Fun Day Trips in Colorado

6 Unique and Fun Day Trips in Colorado

  We have been staying safer at home for months now and if you're anything  like us, cabin fever is...
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What Realizations Have You Had About Your Home During COVID?

  We have been quarantining or staying safer at home for over three months now.  Many of us have been...
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Denver Housing Market Update 6.17.20

Denver Housing Market Update - June 17, 2020 Edition. Things continue to change quickly but the Denver housing market remains...
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